Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Last Saturday we headed to Parkville, MO to walk the path along the river. Parkville is the cutest little town, about 30 minutes North of us, with shops, cafes, restaurants, antiques, etc. It reminds us of a little mountain town because it's packed with trees and there are houses on the hills and you might just have to see it to understand.

I was just happy to be with Paul and the dogs enjoying God's creation. What a great God he is! It was pretty warm still but the locust were loud, the river was flowing, the birds were singing. It seemed that all of His creation was doing exactly as they were created to do. Oh, to be more like the birds and the locusts!

1 comment:

L.L. Barkat said...

I like your sentiment about acting as the birds and locusts. Of course, humanity, being more than instinct-wired, has a harder time figuring out what it is to be as God intended us to be.

But, perhaps this is more blessing than it may appear... we find we must seek the Holy Spirit, listen for Spirit breath and Spirit whispers. And, this is a place of relationship.