Yesterday I caught a glimps of a spider web on my way to work. It was one of those huge ones with a respectively huge spider sunning smack-dab in the middle. I was amazed at how it seemed to be suspended in mid-air. I've always been facinated by these little orb weevers. Here's what got me...this little spider does exactly what it was created to do all day long knowing nothing else and never even thinking of doing something opposite of what it was created to do. Oh, to be one of these creatures...never wandering away, never making willing and thought out choices to go against God's plan for me. How I long to be exactly as my Savior has created sing and dance for joy because of His great love and mercy! The comforting thought in all this is that He takes me back every time I wander...His arms are open wide...every time.
I've been reading Fresh-Brewed Life by Nicole Johnson (as mentioned in previous blogs). The following quotes from her captures some of my insides as well.
Each longing in my life that I have discovered, or that has discovered me, drives me to confront a truth that I might not have confronted otherwise: I need God. I am thirsty for God. Desperately thirsty.
God is the only One big enough to hold our longings.
Through it all...all these longings...theses undeniable longings...they all point me to Him.
Photo by CountryDreaming/Flickr