Thursday, September 28, 2006

Pierced through the.........NOSE!!!

Last Saturday Paul and I took the bike down to the River Market Coffee House for a Mocha, then to KUMed, and then to FreaksonBroadway! We waited for a bit and then the cutest little, pierced and tatted girl, named Steeny, pierced my nose. And let me tell you...I love it! And I love Paul for taking me down there, holding my hand, and then telling me that it looked good. I'm married to the greatest man ever!

For all you wondering what it's's really not that bad. It's more of a weird sensation having a needle go through your nose and then just kind of hang there until Steeny put the little stud in.

Oh, so fun! The pics not that great b/c it's off my phone but you get the idea.


Sara said...

Oh MY G O O D N E S S!! You are too adorable! I totally can't believe you didn't CALL and tell me...but I forgive you. I was about hyper-ventilating as I was waiting for the photo to open. Oh oh oh!! I love it and can't wait to see you in person!

angela said...

No one ever believes me when I tell them that my nose piercing didn't hurt. It is a strange sensation. I love mine. Yours looks really cute.

L.L. Barkat said...

I still remember at my wedding, when we did a henna ceremony the night before (my spouse has indian roots)... and I wore an enormous clip-on nose ring that linked all the way up to my hairline near my ear. My father swayed in his folding chair, and I thought we were going to Lose Him.

Congratulations are your new little one. :)

Unknown said...

I have several friends who have nose rings and they are very cute. One of my friends got it last year and was sore for a few weeks after, but she loves it. I'm not that brave, but I definitely think they're cute. The most I've ever had is a second hole in each ear.