Wednesday, July 11, 2007


This is my new succulent garden thanks to my mom for such a great birthday present!I love them all but think that the string of pearls may be my favorite. They're all so unique and not poisonous so that's a plus since Ryan will be crawling before we know it. Plus, they're all soft and touchable so no worries with that part of Ryan crawling too.

- String of Pearls -
- Baby's Toes -
-Don't remember all their names but love the baby's butt looking one! -


angela said...

Those are all so pretty!

Scott and Anne Chapman said...

I love succulents! I have a plant called string of bananas. Very similar to your pearls one, but they have little shaped bananas instead of pearls! My other favorite is a Jade plant...I believe that's a succulent too! That's awesome!