Does anyone recognize the name Beth Moore?
I know, silly question. She is a woman after God's heart and I am constantly encouraged when I hear her speak or read something she's written. I took a look at a devotional on her website from "The Beloved Disciple" and was, again, very encouraged.
She was talking about how often we feel the need for something like more patience or His perspective on things but really what we need is more of the Holy Spirit. Now she made it very clear that when we ask Jesus to rule over our lives the Holy Spirit moves in completely but how much we allow Him to have access to our lives to work is another story. What we need to pray next time we need more patience or His perspective is for more of the Holy Spirit because this is where it all begins.
Galatians 5:22-23 talk about all the characteristics we, as believers, should emulate and practice but what does it all revolve around? The Holy Spirit!
She makes the following statement about this "revelation"...
Child of God, don’t just absorb this truth! Get up and celebrate it! God gives His Spirit without measure! He has all that you need. Or more properly stated, He is that all you need. Our fulfillment and greatest joy are in the flooding of the Holy Spirit of God in our lives. He is how we understand God’s Word and will for our lives!
Ровно в 8:15 в школу входит Вовочка, в костюме, с галстуком...
все дела... Пока он идет в свой класс, народ медленно охреневает.
Стоит абсолютная тишина, все внимание на Вовочку... Слышен тихий
шепот: "Не опоздал...", "смотрите... смотрите... Вовочка идет...".
Не разбив ни одного стекла, не обложив никого матом, не придираясь
ни к кому, Вовочка подходит к своему классу. Из класса выходит
Марь Иванна.
- Здравствуйте, Марь Иванна.
Учительница шарахается от него в сторону, выронив при этом книги
из рук:
- ПОШЕЛ НА ХУЙ!!!!!!!!! [/b]
Сословие Мегаполис порадовала новым выходом очередного сборника нюансов.
Меня удивила примем это "[url=]Жарко.. [/url]" - Канечно вы можете найти и для себя много интерестного
Ну а однако лучшее противоядие от скуки это анекдотец.
Hey, girlie... just happened to hop on your blog today :) I just finished (again, it's that good!) Living Beyond Yourself, Beth Moore's study on the Fruit of the Spirit... highly recommend if you haven't already done it! Hope you had a merry Christmas, wishing you all a happy New Year!
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